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Sanlam Investment Management
Top Choice Equity Fund

Included in our range is a high conviction portfolio of Sanlam Investment Management’s best investment ideas – no more than 20 shares in this portfolio. For investors who are comfortable with extreme price fluctuations over the short term in pursuit of superior performance over the long term.

Fund Summary*

Sanlam Investment Management (SIM) Top Choice Equity Fund

Launch Date: 18 August 2006
Fund Size:
Benchmark: Composite benchmark:
FTSE/JSE SWIX: 97% | STeFI: 3%
Time Horizon: 10 years +
*As at
Risk Profile: Aggressive
Fund Classification: SA - Equity - General
Min Investment Amount: Lump sum: R10 000 | Monthly: R500
Total Expense Ratio (TER):
Fees: View Fees
Launch Date: 18 August 2006
Fund Size:
Benchmark: Composite benchmark: FTSE/JSE SWIX: 97% | STeFI: 3%
Time Horizon: 10 years +
Quick Facts: Download
Risk Profile: Aggressive
Fund Classification: SA - Equity - General
Min Investment Amount: Lump sum: R10 000 | Monthly: R500
Total Expense Ratio (TER):
Fees: View Fees
*As at

*Minimum Disclosure Document

Fund Strategy

This fund aims to outperform the FTSE/JSE All Share Index through active stock selection across all sectors and market capitalisation on the JSE. The fund may at any time hold a maximum of 30% in offshore assets. This fund may also invest in derivatives for efficient portfolio management.

Illustrative Cumulative Growth of an investment of R1000


Annualised Total Return on a rolling monthly basis
(as at )
Retail Class Fund (%) Benchmark (%)

Annualised return is the weighted average compound growth rate over the period measured
Highest and Lowest Annual Returns over 10 years
Highest Annual % 9.91
Lowest Annual % 6.7

Minimum Disclosure Document

Performance Fees FAQ

Cumulative Growth Over Time

Sanlam Investment Management (SIM)
Top Choice Equity Fund
Composite benchmark: FTSE/JSE SWIX: 97% | STeFI: 3%

Source of graph : Morningstar Direct

Sanlam Investment Management (SIM) Top
Choice Equity Fund
Composite benchmark: FTSE/JSE SWIX: 97% | STeFI: 3%

Source of graph : Morningstar Direct

This graph illustrates how an investment of R1000 would have grown had you invested for the time period displayed. Like everything in life, all investments can change and come with some degree of risk. That’s why we need this disclaimer, to tell you that past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance, and that the value of investments/units/unit trusts may go down as well as up. The performance shown by this graph happened in the past and is therefore not guaranteed to happen again in the future. The performance is calculated by taking into account initial and ongoing fund manager fees and assumes that you reinvested all the income earned by the fund over this period.

The other line on the graph is for the performance of the designated benchmark of the fund – normally either an index or other funds in the industry that are comparable to the fund you’ve chosen.

The Fund Manager has the right to close the portfolio to new investors in order to manage it more efficiently in accordance with its mandate. The actual fund performance can be viewed on the fund factsheet. Annualised return is the weighted average compound growth rate over the period measured.

*As at

Traditional Investing (when you invest via a financial adviser or other)

Advice fee

Any advice fee is negotiable between the client and their financial adviser. An annual advice fee negotiated is paid via a repurchase of units from the investor.

Total Expense Ratio (TER)

This is the percentage of the value of the financial product that was incurred as expenses relating to the administration of the financial product. A higher TER does not necessarily imply a poor return, nor does a low TER imply a good return. The current TER may not necessarily be an accurate indication of future TERs.

Transaction Cost (TC)

This is the percentage of the value of the financial product that was incurred as costs relating to the buying and selling of the assets underlying the financial product. Transaction Costs are a necessary cost in administering the financial product and impacts financial product returns. It should not be considered in isolation as returns may be impacted by many other factors over time including market returns, the type of financial product, the investment decisions of the investment manager and the TER.

Total Investment Charges (TER + TC)

This is the percentage of the value of the financial product that was incurred as costs relating to the investment of the financial product.

For more detail please view the fund factsheet.

When you invest online

Our online investing tool, Smart Invest, makes investing more profitable for you. Because you are investing directly, you pay no initial or ongoing advice fees that would traditionally go to a financial adviser. These can be up to 3.42%.

Read more about the Smart Invest fees

When choosing a fund managed by us, you have on your side one of SA’s largest and most reputable, risk conscious investment teams, consistently meeting or exceeding our benchmarks.

Sanlam Collective Investments has appointed the active manager as the responsible party for unit trust funds, catering for the full spectrum of risk profiles.

Click here to read the commentary on the MDD.

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